So if you know me, you know I’m always down for a good hackathon. I’ve been to 2 AngelHack hackathons and they both were fun and very rewarding. Maybe I’ll write another post about all the amazing side-effects from going to these hackathons another time, but for now, let me focus on the AppHACK 2013. AppHACK 2013 is a slightly different format than previous AngelHack hackathons. First, instead of being completely open-ended, AngelHack has opted to make the focus mobile (in case you aren’t aware of it, startups and mobile are almost synonyms at this point). So while I do enjoy hacking a quick web app, I think having a mobile focus makes a lot of sense and will be fun. Second, AngelHack is putting an emphasis on the quality/creativity of the hack itself – what this actually means is no Powerpoint presentations. I’m curious how this will work and how people will present their apps. Anyways, if you’re a coder, designer or just someone with a good idea, find the nearest AppHACK to you and sign-up.